The summer after Senior year is coming to a close and you now must start packing up for your freshman year of College. Its terrifying yet exciting all at the same time. The idea of making new friends and memories is thrilling yet not knowing if you’ll get along with your new roommates is scary. As a junior in college i can say with full honesty that all of your expectations will be thoroughly crushed and not happen your freshman year. Instead something completely amazing will occur that you never expected. Your roommates may either be your new Best Friends or just people you live with or your worst nightmares come to life. You will meet people you think you’ll be friends with forever and then in a month not even be talking with them. You will make those friends who stand the test of time through thick or thin. College is a time where you should do anything and everything, try new things and make the most out of your years there. With my freshman year behind me and a almost 2 years beyond i have a few tricks and tips that may help you accomplish a kick ass freshman year!

1) NEVER BE AFRAID TO BE SELFISH: I’m not saying that if your friend calls you at 2am begging for a ride home from this wicked party, you say no so you can sleep. What i’m saying is don’t be afraid to have friends and move on when they no longer good friends. Don’t keep toxic people in your life, its never something that will end well for either party. Also never be afraid to take a day to yourself and binge watch a Netflix show and ignore your cell phone, you need you time. Its alright to do things that make you happy, you don’t need to please every person you will ever meet, because you won’t.

2) DON’T BE AFRAID OF SWEATPANTS: Those movies where they show a college classroom and every girl and guy look like they walked out of a JCrew magazine is so not how a college classroom looks. About 1/5 of the class is actually dressed like that, 1/5 is wearing jeans and tshirt and 3/5 are wearing some form of sweatpants/yogas and a hoodie. So don’t feel like you need to spend the time every morning before your 8am (because you will have one) attempting to look like a Victoria secret model hair, with the gorgeous makeup and the pinterest perfect outfit….because it will be exhausting and sleep is very important when you are in college, trust me on that.

3) HOMEWORK, HOMEWORK, HOMEWORK: Many people will tell you that doing homework is important in college, and well i’m here to inform you they are correct and you should set aside time to do them everyday and study. The library is a place that will truly be of use to you so use it. Study hard, you are paying a lot of money to get a degree so you should do everything in your power to do the best you can.

4) MEET YOUR PROFESSORS: After classes walk up and introduce yourself. Know their office hours and utlize them, even if you only have one question go in and ask. I always make sure to visit my professors office hours if only to ask a simple question about the class, this way later in the semester if you need extra credit they may be more willing to do so if they know you’ve been working hard (hopefully since you’ve been doing your homework and what not you won’t even need extra credit).

5) GET TO KNOW YOUR TOWN AND CAMPUS: Take time to walk around your campus, get to know the buildings even the ones you don’t have class in. I did this and found one of the buildings on my campus has a really cool study lounge, i use it between classes (now that i’m off campus living) to study and its not in a building my classes are. Some buildings may even have coffee shops in them for a quick pick me up. But other than getting to know your campus, you should really get to know the town your college is in. Make trips to the downtown area, and the shopping areas and what not with your friends. Google things to do in your town and do them, be kinda touristy those will make the best memories. Plus many things can be done very cheaply possibly for free.

6) KEEP TRACK OF YOUR MONEY: It’s your money use it when you need it, is something you should remember. But that also doesn’t mean you need to get that ice cream every single Tuesday night with your friends. Keep track of what your spending your money on, and where your spending it. Someday you will be living on your own and you will want some money saved up, so you can buy those cool fluffy pillows for your first apartment!

7) WITH THAT STRESS COMES SWEETS WHICH SHOULD COME SWEAT: There will come weeks when the stress level is at maximum and its way easier to grab those Oreos your roommate has stashed then for an apple to keep your energy level up. But this does mean that you will probably want to hit the gym a few times a week to help fight off the freshman 15…which sadly is a thing.

8) PACK A LBD, NUDE PUMPS AND A GOOD RED LIPSTICK: I’m not saying you need to wear these all day everyday but there may be a day when you get asked out on a date and a little black dress and a good red lipstick are always a good plan. The nude heels will go with almost anything you may need to dress up for class presentation or a job interview.

9) CALL YOUR PARENTS: This one is quite simple. Your parents have raised you from the day you were born, adapted or whatever. They have been there for you and will want to know whats going on. No need to discuss your late night partying, but you can discuss classes, friends and roommates with them. They love you and just want the best. SO CALL THEM.

10) LIFE IS TO DAMN SHORT: You may have wanted to be a doctor, or a teacher since you were little but never exclude anything. Take a journalism class just to see what its about, take French or Spanish to learn a new language, and even take a Yoga class. Take classes that make you step out of your comfort zone and expand your horizons. Life needs to be lived and if that means taking a fun class then do it.

11) USE A PLANNER: Personally I don’t know where I would be without mine. Its my lifeline, my everything….its really important okay. Write everything you need to do down and keep track of due dates. Things will sneak up on you if you don’t attempt to stay organized in college. Find a way that works for you, if your tech savy use an app, need everything handwritten then use planner…just use something!

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